Written By : Jesna VJ
Getting educated yourself to be a nurse is a tedious task both in the case of money and time. After studying BSc Nursing for four years , you have to gain more than 2 years of experience to work abroad. Both the academic years and work experience is not cost- effective, since studying all those requires a lot of tuition fees and other expenses. And working for the first two years will not give you that much of a salary.
But the Ausbildung course in Nursing gives you a vocational approach which finishes in 3 years where your time is split between both working hours and classroom training. The most attractive thing is your working time will be paid with a regular stipend. So if you’re doing an Ausbildung course in Nursing , you are getting three benefits at the same time: work,education and work experience. It is the most cost effective and time efficient course an aspiring nurse could take.
But I would say, there are some particular key benefits for the ausbildung program which we would like to list one by one.
The quality of German education is world renowned for several reasons , one of which is the quality. Their courses are planned in a well organised structure and they are accessible to all the students no matter from which countries they are from or how good of a financial status they have..
Especially vocational programs like Ausbildung helps the students to achieve their professional goals without spending so much tuition fees because they are working at the same time. With balancing both the work and educational life , they acquire money to survive their academic years independently and study their desired course all while getting the required job experience.
While you are doing a vocational Ausbildung course, like nursing , you are going to do the work with a regular stipend which could be in turn used to pay your tuition fees. And the low amount of tuition fees is cherry on the top. This would enable the students to use their salaries on other necessities other than paying tuition fees.
This helps the students to have a peaceful and stable condition both financially and emotionally which could in turn help them to excel in their academics. Thus the Ausbildung is a student-friendly option in Germany.
Financial Independence is something a student aspires and desires for. And it is the most difficult thing for them to achieve. While working from part time jobs to part time jobs , you will not be able to focus on your academics . This in turn tires the students .
But when you can work on the same field where your academics are at, you are going to excel in your academics all while getting paid. This type of educational and work culture is what the Ausbildung is building.
Especially , studying to be a nurse requires a lot of time and effort in theoretical and practical classes. Doing another part time while doing this is a tedious job for a nursing student. In an Ausbildung in Nursing program, you are going to get a stipend in your own field. You don’t want to work outside of what you are studying.
If you are a travel enthusiast , it will be your golden opportunity to get a student visa in Germany. Because using this student visa , you could travel all through Europe. So I must say, it is a double win. Who wouldn’t enjoy the pleasure of travelling all while getting the degree that they dreamed for.
Being a student in Germany , helps you travel freely all around Europe without any limitations. This makes your life less dull with academic pressure.
Since you are studying a particular course, that is , nursing , and is getting the work experience all while studying and is going to do the job in that particular field , you’re going to definitely get a permanent residence. PR or Permanent Residence is the dream of most study abroad aspirants. Ausbildung in NursingProgram makes it way more easier for you.
After three years of your vocational degree, you are gonna get the PR and after five years working there, you will get the citizenship.
With the above five reasons , you could easily say how much of a right decision it would be to enrol in that course.
So for more information on Ausbildung in the Nursing Program with Stipend, contact us on 9567107000. We could give you a free counselling and clear all your worries and doubts. Yes, it is completely free.
And if you want to enrol in this program, you could either ring up on 9567107000 or mail us at aji@betterworldstudy.com.
To know more about us visit our website by clicking the link below.